Based on ‘Forging the III Community registry‘ doc, and III June Report
June Tasks
[comms/LE] create and maintain ‘data map’ of data, tools, methods and locations
invite collaboration on this from the mailing list (incorporate some fields from Adam’s checklist) -> perhaps send out a form? or maybe it’s nice for people to see each others’ while editing
create a plan for how each of these might fit into a sample dataverse workflow
categorise and summarise potential data layers
map and follow up on proposed initiatives from last III meeting
who might be interested in collaborating on what
define and contact ‘sub-groups’ from the mailing list (these could possibly be self-selecting, potentially disciplinary or related to different initiatives)
gathering existing interviews and responses
having a version of the form that we use ourselves
find+share examples from within the community of good data/tool/method-sharing practices
Overview (from chats w/ Matt + Osmat + Bron)
interview+profile (some of) these people:
Osmat @ Lens Lab [already profiled]
Bronwyn H Hall
data sharing practices
making new standards / what would good standards look like
changing practices
interview about data sharing
what holds people back? what would help?
how to better serve non-western and non-english-speaking knowledge and scholarship:
what are the limitations of the patent system?
how to encourage/encode different systems
Phil Durbin [profiled - SJ]
Michael Färber
how to publish and containerize tools
Lisa Cook
better metrics and representation
better versions of the patent system
use this opportunity to encode different practices
Mercè Crosas
what do you need as well as standards
Adam B Jaffe
reasoning behind III
what do economists really want?? what should they want?
Laura Edwards
III map and current status
James Weis
Scaling Science plans + summary (poster/paper)
speak to about PatCit and combining different patent datasets
could be a good test case for bringing a bunch of layers together
Matt Marx [profiled - SJ/LE]
containerising, layering
integrating with relianceonscience
challenges of making platforms and flows like this
Martina Iori
how do you see the field changing
what tool would you like to use
getting younger economists involved
Gaétan de Rassenfosse [profiled - LE]
Heidi L. Williams
outreach and pedagogy
changing data practices —>
Bhaven N Sampat
ideas for initiatives
people to reach out to / ways to extend the platform
Elizabeth Ruth Perlman
how to ensure initiatives get sustained and developed
explore dataverse + zenodo workflows + API
sketches (‘fanfics’) for I3 registry pages on R1
gather checklists and methods from the community: what is the default workflow? What needs to be added to make things useful?
generate sketches of workflow from outreach/existing models
July Tasks
testing integration of submission workflow with Dataverse
generating prefilled workflows
Finalise of workflow + expanding narrative
use checklists/standards/recommendations from community
send out sample workflows to III members for feedback
August Tasks
full integration with dataverse
Generate case studies within the framework
inviting submission of data from participants
reaching out to grad students/early career academics
Investigating integration with the underworld