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Community roadmap & tools

Published onJul 14, 2020
Community roadmap & tools

Roadmap: worksheet (2y goal). What can we do to connect each quarter?
Connect this with the suggestions for III gathered after the working meeting.

Our data collaborative:
Maintaining III datasets (pub version): regular checkins w/ contributors
-> Quarterly updates: what are people up to? See post-workshop mail
-> Checklists for adding and refining data
-> Who else should be invited? How to include known public datasets?

Focus on work that will be useful by July: submissions and participants (a soft but handy deadline: the in-person committee meeting)



  • Mailing list note from Adam - a call for list serve discussion + basics o what to expect in the coming months.

    • Use as discussion forum, w/ more ways to be visible to each other

  • Data sharing guidelines + practices

    • Share and shape this

  • Shape the Dec meeting


  • Share draft questions and guidelines

    • Revisit + share Matt’s short paper on his data sharing thinking and workflow

    • Reiterate the call for discussion beyond the subject of data sharing  - we might think of prompts.

  • Revisit “How To” talks/videos (Bhaven’s idea) — do these fit in the DV?
    ~ Using historical patent datasets


  • Steering committee - early July (after list discussions begin)

  • Offer a pub / forum for people looking to connect around the summer institute 

  • Listserv threads + December ideas formalized / recapped in a pub


  • Zoom community forum - as needed (Aug/Sept)

  • List serve + December ideas recapped on pubpub

  • Steering committee - planning for call for Dec meeting


  • Call for submissions for Dec meeting. Deadline end of Sept.

    • For the committee: what do we want to use that time for?

  • If we want a separate bulletin board, implement now for the Fall.

  • Zoom community forum as needed


  • Announce Harvard Dataverse as an I³ repository  - tbd on community demand

  • Steering Committee Mid-Oct: discuss submissions, set Dec program

Call for submissions 

Laura + SJ to connect w/ Heidi Williams prior to sharing the draft guidelines, so she has eyes on them and they can incorporate her comments.

Other content options - with corona - more like to initiate Spring 2021:

  • Bhaven had the wishlist item of I3 compiling a library of How To short videos  - ideally member created along a template with topics such as:

  • How to work with Historical Patent Data - where are they, what are the unique issues? (compare Wiki Patent work)

  • How to link patent data globally? (flag related issues_

Older notes


  • Workflow for updating the site

    • Ex: add the OECD datasets. How should we represent ‘external’ data?
      Should we package it in some way beyond how it’s found online?

    • Commercial data: be neutral. Examples? point to a spectrum. Jay E asked about a G workshop on BigQuery + G.Pat.Data — Invite PatStat, others? MS, Orbis, Lens?

    • Invite Dataverse to run a hosted-storage/query workshop, invite others. (Z,G!BQ, )1

  • Talk through a roadmap for the community

  • Mapping: stakeholders, world (talk to committee members)



  • What insights or how to steps (from Matt’s fine example) would be helpful to this community in terms of “next steps”?

    • Talk to the committee 1:1 w/ each member, then a group meeting

    • A checklist to consider: heirarchy of recs + timelines:
      Core that are required; penumbra of strong, weak, qualified recs
      One for openness (for creators), one for utility (poll users:Trinh Le)
      Asides: who puts in the effort to validate, doc, test; set timelines?

    • How can we help/support people doing this well, in their career?
      Increase professional kudos you get for this activity. [develop this!]
      : 1. Awards; 2. invitations to speak; 3. publishing data-description papers (don’t just release the data; ^^ journals willingness to publish)

    • Are there socsci funders that fund data-construction + infra?
      Similar orgs / luminaries to join/support/participate?

  • Would it be useful to have a running census of datasets that members either have or want and use that to have a target list to triage that list?

    • [Start w/ committee, datasets referenced in the presentations, reach out to presenters? ~ Heidi’s how-tos]

    • Likewise: census of similar/related datasets [superseded, complementary, different/incomparable, …]

  • For the summer meeting agenda: [AB] test ways to ask attendees (at the big-circle meeting) to participate in our data workflow

  • Set up an i3 mailing list [Adam?]

Interviews and feedback

Interviewing committee members:

  • Introducing Laura to the committee

  • Use cases + aspirations for each

  • Notes on data: from Matt and Phil Durbin

Interviewing attendees:

Next steps + offers to help

  • Specifics from the email feedback

Ideas for the future

  • Do we want to include a [final? end-of-life?] update to the original NBER dataset -- perhaps with pointers to how to regenerate updates oneself for future years? Mentioned in a past chat [SJ]

  • Ideas from the attendee emails.

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