For infrequent updates about III, write to Adam to be added to our list.
Coverage: What other topics are you working on that you would like to see included in a future workshop?
Feedback: What did you like, what could we improve about the workshops?
Data sharing: What datasets did you rely on in your work?
What data outputs are you publishing, and are there intermediate scripts or outputs that you would like to share?
Collaboration: What would help you improve collaboration around your research? (e.g. simpler registration of published datasets; ways to discover what is available; ways to query existing datasets from a cloud without transferring them)
All projects are welcome to add requests for feedback on your work here:
Lens: Your feedback on the Lens API is welcome: please take a survey of features you want to see in future updates.
Patentcity: how would you use this new dataset?
Scaling Science: Which of the available metrics are of interest, and are there others you would like to use?